Central Park Wilderness

Walking through the wooded areas of Central Park it is easy to succumb to the interplay of light and shadow, and find yourself pleasantly intertwined with the composition of the landscape in a remotely mystical way.

The wilderness aspect of the park is no accident. Initially designed and built by Frederick Law Olmstead and Calvert Vaux in the mid to late 1800’s it reflects much of the spirit of the Transendentalist theories of the time. These included the writings of Thoreau and Emerson, as well as the painters of the Hudson River School, all of whom saw the uniqueness of the Eastern Wilderness of the Uniited States as defining the spirit of the national character, and as a source of inspiration for the creative soul.

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Central Park Wilderness, ti0161919lg Central Park Wilderness, ti0161927 Central Park Wilderness, ti0161931 Central Park Wilderness, ti0161938 Central Park Wilderness, ti0164923lg Central Park Wilderness, ti0164929-ti01071342 Central Park Wilderness, ti0164929 Central Park Wilderness, ti0164955lg Central Park Wilderness, ti0164956lg Central Park Wilderness, ti0164958lg Central Park Wilderness, ti0164963lg Central Park Wilderness, ti0164967lg Central Park Wilderness, ti0164967plat2 Central Park Wilderness, ti0165001plat Central Park Wilderness, ti0165141lg Central Park Wilderness, ti0165142bw Central Park Wilderness, ti0165145lg Central Park Wilderness, ti0165149bw Central Park Wilderness, ti0165151lg Central Park Wilderness, ti0165155lg Central Park Wilderness, ti0165161lg Central Park Wilderness, ti0165162lg Central Park Wilderness, ti0165163lg Central Park Wilderness, ti0165166lg Central Park Wilderness, ti0165612lg Central Park Wilderness, ti0165615bw Central Park Wilderness, ti0165627lg Central Park Wilderness, Maple tree by a stream in the Ravine, Central Park, 2013 Central Park Wilderness, ti0165743lg Central Park Wilderness, ti0165744lg Central Park Wilderness, ti0165753lg Line of trees and schist, Central Park, 2013 Central Park Wilderness, ti0165760lg Central Park Wilderness, ti01066164 Central Park Wilderness, ti01066171 Central Park Wilderness, ti01066184 Central Park Wilderness, ti01066188 Three trees, Central Park, 2013 Central Park Wilderness, ti01066824 Central Park Wilderness, ti01067294 Bent tree near the Lake, Central Park, 2013 Central Park Wilderness, ti01067302 Central Park Wilderness, ti01067304bw Central Park Wilderness, ti01067305 Central Park Wilderness, ti01067307bw Central Park Wilderness, ti01069154 Central Park Wilderness, ti01069164 Central Park Wilderness, ti01071298 Central Park Wilderness, ti01071334 Central Park Wilderness, ti01071344 Central Park Wilderness, ti01071645