
Fine art photographs of Tom Grill currently hanging in the Legacy Western art collection. All images are archival ChromaLuxe aluminum prints with a unique museum mount ready for hanging. The photographs are available in multiple sizes and may also be printed as archival paper prints.


Ever remember as a child lying in the grass and staring up at the clouds in the sky, mentally forming their shapes into patterns that revealed the shapes of dragons, animals, pirate ships … almost any conceivable thing you could dream to invent? That is what this portfolio is about. When I first came to Florida, I was overcome by the dramatic, sculptural formations of large cumulus clouds. I began photographing them and never stopped. The wonderful thing about clouds as a landscape- or “sky-scape”- is that they are constantly changing. Within seconds there is a new scene in the sky. I was used to photographing the dramatic western landscapes of the American West where mountains and terrain change very slowly, if at all. Even there, I always tried to tie my western landscapes to some could formation that would make the scene uniquely my own because I knew that sky formation would not be there tomorrow. This portfolio series is only about the sky and its cloud formations and how subtle changes in shape and color can bring about dramatic differences in the palette Nature has given me to use for my creations.

Most of the prints in this portfolio are available in sizes other than those mentioned.

Found Hearts

My wife, Faith, loves hearts. Always has.

Early in our relationship, I began capturing images of hearts I found randomly in my travels. I would use the photographs to make her cards, calendars, and pictures to celebrate special occasions. I have hundreds of photographs of these “found hearts”. Recently, I thought of combining them with other background images I have collected over time. The final images come together aesthetically, the elements relating purely by matching color and form.

American West

A special series of fine art images dedicated to landscapes and lifestyles of the American West. All the prints in this series are done as limited editions. Most of the prints in this portfolio are available in sizes other than those mentioned.


Cities, like New York, often come with a frenzied lifestyle, a hustle and bustle, and with a promise of excitement right around the next corner. I feel that my creative style of capturing myriad aspects of large cities and later combining the images to tell a story of city living can reveal the diversity of city life in ways that reflect its appeal – pulling us first one way, then another until we are enveloped in the sheer passion of its allure.


My latest portfolio subject forms compositions using images with diverse often unrelated topics and gives birth to a new reality with the colors and forms interacting to create relationships beyond the reality of what they are. They become pure compositions of light, shape, and color.   


The “B” batch of images takes the “A” series one set further by adding a “water-color”  look to them. They can be had with or without the brush mark edges.

Click on the images to make them larger.